Wednesday 16 September 2020


 Welcome to my attempt at blogging - again!

So, I have decided to take the plunge and be more active in the business I started with doTERRA as a Wellness Advocate.  I could have just gotten a membership and not taken the additional steps (for no extra cost) to become a Wellness Advocate and potentially earn money from it.  

My goal is to share what I am learning to with others to help them on their health journey.

One of the main things I took away from the degree in Paleopathology that I learned is the human body is resilient!  

To see how the body will work to keep itself straight and upright.

How additional bone is formed on the ribs to strengthen them when there are chronic lung infections.

The immune system in general.

We are living in a time of a pandemic, but what is different now than with the Spanish Flu pandemic from 1918-1920?  Food is one.  We eat substantially more processed foods now than in the past.  We are also using less natural or homoeopathic medicines.  Yes, penicillin is a lovely medication that has saved millions of lives.  I'm glad we do have to worry about polio or smallpox.  But there is something to be said about using, and supporting, the wonderful gifts we have been given by God - in the form of our immune system and nature.  

This blog is going to be my sharing of information I am learning about essential oils and how they can be used to support our bodies more naturally.  

*** Disclaimer: I am not a medical practitioner and this information is not to replace speaking with your doctor!! ***


 Welcome to my attempt at blogging - again! So, I have decided to take the plunge and be more active in the business I started with doTERRA ...